Single & Faithful


The dissatisfied single. It seems as if we aren’t meeting the ring by spring deadlines. With Valentine’s Day coming in hot, prepare to feel the heat again. Living in a subculture where getting hitched at 22 is the norm, it seems as if I don’t complete my quest for love in the next 3 months, I’ll be a failure. Somebody’s gotta take this rose!

I’m thankful for maturity and hard lessons in this weird arena. Let’s face it, the Christian, young adult culture glorifies marriage; and when anything is glorified, alternatives become significantly less important. Thus, singleness begins to be looked upon as a “disease” or “liability” of sorts. Symptoms may include loneliness, low self-esteem, and a specific type of bitterness against Instagram around ring season.

But, what if we lived in a world where singleness was cherished more than an unlucky alternative? What if we truly believed singleness is what it’s supposed to be–a gift and yet another avenue to glorify the Lord? What impact could that make?

A kingdom impact. Here are some ways I have experienced glorifying God in singleness.


Everyone has the capacity to love…but not all of us have the same amount of time, and what we do with that matters. Paul speaks that his singleness affects his ministry and devotion to the Lord. He has the capacity to do more.[1] Also, if you’ve been around long enough to read the Bible, hear the singleness talk or read the occasional singles blog, (the irony) you would know that the Son of God was a single dude! We’re in good company!

Those are facts and sweet reminders, but it often doesn’t get to the root issue of the disturbed single’s heart. Though we are similar to Jesus, we aren’t Jesus. At times, singleness seems like a gift we never asked for.

The dilemma begins when we covet. This means to lust after what we don’t have. After we lust long and hard enough, we forget the blessings of the present. Blessings like time. If we realize what God has graciously given to us, we’ll see more than the absence of the opposite sex lying beside us. Or the missing plus-one to a friend’s wedding. We will realize that we are in fact complete, lacking nothing. We will see Jesus.


There are men and women who don’t know Jesus. And if that fact doesn’t concern us more than our relationship status, there are other issues that need to be worked out. That being said, I believe that if there aren’t singles in our culture reflecting Jesus by serving Him well in their singleness, then it’s a discipleship issue.

The saved and lost alike hear us fantasize about our wedding day. We throw around terminology like woman/man of our dreams. It’s weaved in the magazines we read and laced into the shows we watch. We take good things given to us by the Lord and worship them.[2] Of course, we are left unsatisfied and waste our singleness on daydreaming.

There’s a way to be single and not be miserable. It’s God’s master plan to bring the nations to Himself.[3] He has hand-picked us to make His name famous! This is so much more than merely going to church, leading small groups, and partaking in occasional mission trips. It’s about doing life with men and women who choose to forsake their plans to make much of Jesus![4]

When we dream about relationships we are prone miss the dreams of God. There are no excuses for anyone to not make disciples if they are in Christ. Paul might even say this is held at an even higher standard for singles. When it’s all said and done, let’s strive to be good and faithful servants for our King.

A Glorious End

Truth is, if marriage to another broken person is the glorious end, then we have missed the point of marriage and the gospel. So, to the dissatisfied single or the comfortable taken, hear this:

There is nothing wrong with you.

I don’t know how many times people have had to remind me of this truth. We are so inclined to believe the lies inadequacy throws at us, when it may be as simple as: not yet. I have other plans for you. I’m not sure what those other plans are and I advise you to not try and figure it out. Trust God almighty, seek Him, and be faithful where you are.

Seasons of singleness can be tough. Your history of relationships may sting a bit. There will be times where you crave for someone to share good and bad news with– someone who sees your worst and decides to stay.

Here’s even better news for us: Jesus is here for the long-haul. He has come to wipe tears and bear burdens. He knows us better than ourselves, yet loves us more than anyone ever will. Jesus is the glorious end and cure to our relational loneliness; we are more than just a rose to the King.

[1] 1 Corinthians 7:8

[2] Romans 1:24-25

[3] Acts 1:8

[4] 1 Thessalonians 2:8

4 thoughts on “Single & Faithful

  1. The Lord is most glorified in my present state. His word graciously taught me that He has chosen my singleness because He is greater because of it. I do have friends who have kept me at a distance because they do not know how to include me in their married lives. I also have friends who have humbly and at the same time graciously brought me into their homes, their friendship, and most importantly their lives who I cherish. I don’t even know that the word cherish would be enough to describe how at home and familial I am when we commune together. I do know this- singleness is a roller coaster, just like marriage, just like kids, just like life is when we live in a broken world. I am no more or less sanctified. I am His, and He is my God.

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  2. WOW. This was a solid read, and extremely well written. The Lord has definitely blessed you with a really amazing way to put his truth out here. I love the verse,
    “The LORD directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?” Proverbs 20:24. Seriously though, this was a great read. Love God, love people, make disciples. Keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a good word. Thanks for sharing! I am married, but I will never say it is better/brighter/more glorified. We all need each other – I need so badly for my single friends to serve the body in the ways I no longer can. Thanks again!

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